We’re back from maternity and paternity leave! After nine months of gestation and 13 hours of labor, TwoWards became three when I birthed Antionette Elizabeth Ward into this world 👶🏽. Once I added mommy to my list of titles, I knew nothing would be the same, including my identity. As motherhood commandeered my life, I started to think about how to incorporate it into my brand. In this post, I share my reflections on motherhood, how I’ve incorporated it into my personal brand, and provide some pro-tips on managing your brand as you experience life’s changes.
My first Mother’s Day presented the perfect opportunity for an official brand update. I reflected on the skills I’ve gained as a mother that have enhanced my resume. My time management skills have significantly improved; motherhood has forced me to think several hours and days ahead to ensure that in between feedings and diaper changes, breakfast, lunch and dinner are made, the house is kept clean, mommy has time to rejuvenate and daddy’s needs are met. I’ve learned to multitask; it’s incredible the amount of items I’m able to knock off my to-do list while breastfeeding. And my Master of Education degree is coming in handy as I engage in human development daily.
Not only has motherhood fine-tuned the above skills, it has also strengthened my character. Motherhood has challenged and stretched me further than I thought was possible and has transformed me into a better version of myself; a version I am proud to introduce to TwoWards Solutions 👩🏽🍼. Motherhood has taught me patience when attempting to discern baby girl’s cries; persistence when trying to get her to fall asleep; humbleness when peed, pooped and regurgitated upon; and compassion as I continue to put my child’s needs before my own.
With these personal enhancements in mind, I updated my LinkedIn with my new work experience “Motherhood,” changed my profile picture, and added “Mother” to my header alongside my other titles. My brand update not only served the purpose of informing my network of my new role, but it also allowed me to challenge the patriarchal idea that the only work worth talking about is work done outside the home and inside an office.
When it comes to branding, it is important to audit your messaging and presentation often. Major life events like moving to a new city, getting married, starting a new job, earning a degree/certificate, or having a child will significantly impact your life and inevitably your personal brand, as well. So in the spirit of authenticity (a major key to establishing and maintaining a strong brand), check-in with yourself often. Is your presentation of self congruent with your lived reality. If not, it may be time for a rebrand or brand refresh, a process TwoWards Solutions would be more than happy to assist you with; click here to schedule a consultation!